ARTMAN'24 program online

The second installment of ARTMAN, the workshop on Recent Advances in Resilient and Trustworthy MAchine learning-driveN systems is progressing towards completion. As a reminder, it will be held before ACSAC, in Hawai on December 9th, 2024. The program is now available online on both ACSAC’s and ARTMAN’s websites. The program features 4 technical sessions showcasing 10 selected papers on a variety of topics dealing with ML for cybersecurity, robustness, privacy and safety for ML systems, and attacks to ML algorithms. This year’s ARTMAN is highlighted by two outstanding keynotes: Melek Önen, professor at Eurecom, will be speaking in the morning about Customized attacks and defense strategies for robust and privacy-preserving federated learning; and Christian Wressnegger, assistant professor at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, will intervene during the afternoon on the topic of Prospects and Limits of Explainable AI in Computer Security. Do not wait to register at ACSAC (do here, early ends after November 15th) and join us for this exciting workshop.