
Below, we will publish, as soon as possible, any dissemination actions carried out by members of the GRIFIN project. Aside from academic publications produced by our students and faculty, we will also reference talks given in national and international seminars as well as events (co-)organized by GRIFIN members. In order to contribute to open science, our publications are available on HAL.


  • Solayman Ayoubi, Gregory Blanc, Houda Jmila, Thomas Silverston, Sébastien Tixeuil: Data-Driven Evaluation of Intrusion Detectors: A Methodological Framework. FPS 2022: 142-147. link


To be completed.


GRIFIN, in attempting to produce a self-resilient network, is actively contributing to the workshop on “Recent Advanced in Resilient and Trustworthy ML Systems in Autonomous Networks” (ARTMAN). The first installment was co-located with ACM CCS'23, which was held on November 30th, in Copenhagen.